What's New in Employment Practices
for 2022 with TJ Solutions
March 3, 2022
from 1:00PM - 2:30PM
We will be joined once again by Asha Rampersad from Bernardi Human Resource Law LLP. Her in-depth knowledge of the sector will provide valuable insight and answers to many of your questions.
Members - No Cost
Non-Members - $15

Creating an Inclusive Environment
March 10, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Come together with other educators to share, reflect and discuss how diversity and inclusion is lived out in your program.

Talking Circle
March 22, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Talking Circles will be a mix of focused conversations about how we implement the spirit of reconciliation; addressing myths and misconceptions; activities and resources for young children.
Join Karen Marshall, MCRC’s Indigenous Reconciliation Facilitator and Consultant.
THRC believes that all children are sacred and that Every Child Matters.

Compassion Fatigue
March 23
or March 30, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
What is the impact of the work we do on our own emotional well-being, on our personal life? This evidence-informed session integrates the most recent research on trauma-exposed, complex stress workplaces. It is a highly interactive workshop exploring solutions to moral distress, compassion fatigue, traumatic stress and burnout.
Members - No Cost
Non-Members - $15