What’s Happening in January?

What's Happening in January? Banner

Learning Community for Educators

Learning Community for Educators - Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School Age & All

Registration is open!

What's on your mind? 
This interactive network invites participants to share success and challenges in their day to day work.
Join other Educators for an opportunity to connect, discuss, share perspectives and reflect on best practices.
Building Capacity through a Coaching Practice
January 20, 2022 10:30AM - 11:30AM
January 27, 2022 7:00PM - 8:00PM
3 Educators sitting at a table with their text book open on the computer
Strengthens and builds capacity of a colleague to improve existing abilities, develop new skills and gain a deeper understanding of evidence-based practices.
-Rush and Shelden 2005
This session explores how using a coaching approach can support you in your role as a Centre Mentor through a coaching practice to build capacity, improve existing skills and develop new skills.
Monthly Talking Circles
January 18, 2022
7:00PM - 8:00PM
5 Adults sitting in a circle holding hands
In a Talking Circle, each one is equal and each one belongs. Participants in a Talking Circle learn to listen and respect the views of others. The intention is to open hearts to understand and connect with one another.
Join Karen Marshall, MCRC’s Indigenous Reconciliation Facilitator and Consultant, virtually, as she supports a journey through discussions of the distressing discovery of the remains of these children.
THRC believes that all children are sacred and that Every Child Matters.
Self-Regulation with ROCK
January 25, 2022
6:30PM - 8:00PM
A child sitting on an adult's lap in the field
This workshop will build on the Educators' ability to support children in developing self-regulation skills from a position of co-regulation. ROCK Facilitators will discuss self-regulation vs self-control, while addressing the importance of building relationships. As a group, Educators will develop a ‘toolbox’ of strategies to take away. Discussions will reflect on how the information presented may support and/ or enhance present programming and Educator-Child relationships.
Engaging Outdoor Winter Activities
January 26, 2022
7:00PM - 8:00PM
a child laying down on the snow making snow angels
"Curriculum can emerge from outdoor play experiences in wondrous and authentic ways. The changing seasons offer invitations for learning that cannot be duplicated indoors. Curriculum can and should emerge from nature. It is in nature that children’s interests will be piqued".
-Diane Kashin
Brrrr, its cold outside so let's get outdoors and see what this season has to offer! This interactive session will explore ideas and resources that you can implement using materials that nature provides at no cost.
Through discussion we will look at ways to get outside even on those not so sunny days and the benefits of being outdoors in any weather.