Learning Community for Educators
Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age, Licensed Home & All Age Groups

Mindfulness: Self Love, Boundaries and Saying No
April 7, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Join Kristeen Sopeju as she takes you on a meditation journey.
Mindfulness is a way to bring us to the present moment.
Tap into the joy, compassion, delight and laughter within.

Black Professional ECE Healing Circles
April 12, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Join Kimberly Cato, Registered Psychotherapist.
Melanated Healing Circles are welcoming spaces you feel safe to let your burdens down in, take your armour off and allow yourself to be seen.

Talking Circles
April 19, 2022
from 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Talking Circles will be a mix of focused conversations about how we implement the spirit of reconciliation; addressing myths and misconceptions; activities and resources for young children.
Join Karen Marshall, MCRC’s Indigenous Reconciliation Facilitator and Consultant.
THRC believes that all children are sacred and that Every Child Matters.

Beyond Five Senses
April 20, 2022
from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
THRC is excited to offer this session in person!
Join other Educators as we will look at how to support all 7 senses in the various learning environments and share ideas while having fun exploring the senses.
“The senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge...”- Maria Montessori.
Members: $10
Non-Members: $20

Anxiety in the Early Years
April 27, 2022
from 6:30PM - 8:00PM
This workshop is an introduction to understanding children’s anxiety and how it may present itself. ROCK Facilitators will offer strategies on ways in building resilience and reducing stress and anxiety for children. Educators will be introduced to some basic coping strategies appropriate to manage stress and anxious behaviours in the classroom.