THRC continues to support the Halton Community

PPE Requests
THRC is providing PPE to the Early Learning Sector in Halton. Organizations and Agencies can make PPE requests online.
Professional Learning
THRC continues to offer Professional Learning opportunities virtually, articles, webinars and more.
Resource Library
THRC's Resource Library provides a multitude of materials and resources to support Educators working with children between the ages of 0-12.
THRC is taking every reasonable precaution to protect our staff and community members' health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

THRC continues to support The Halton Community Banner. Please visit THRC website for current COVID-19 updates and information at First picture on the left: Educator wearing a mask at the wooden table with two children exploring blocks. Second picture on the right: someone taking notes on a note pad with their laptop open on ZOOM. There is also a cellphone and a cup of coffee on the table, Left picture: Curb side pick - up sign and on the right side there is a banner that says COVID-19 udatpes on a dark orange background