Support Well-Being Video Series – Jean Clinton Releases a New Book – The College Presents a Special Talk with Dr. Jean Clinton

Love Builds Brains, lays out the early years’ journey of attachment, self-regulation, connection, resilience and well-being, with scientific explanations that are measured out in understandable doses.
Dr. Clinton works very hard to advocate for children and youth and to translate the sciences that have uncovered more about the workings of the brain and mind. She sees her role as a Knowledge Translator, bringing insights to groups of people by making research and knowledge accessible.
Dr. Jean Clinton Releases a New Book: Love Builds Brains - Click here to purchase the book
Council President, Stacey Lepine RECE, sat down with Dr. Jean Clinton — a psychiatrist and advocate for children's mental health — for a special talk inspired by the unfolding pandemic. Dr. Jean, as she likes to be called, shares her expertise in dealing with children's emotions in this extraordinary time. Dr. Jean also has ideas and tips to help you make the challenging transition back to on-site work smooth and with confidence.
The College Presents a Special Talk with Dr. Jean Clinton - Click here to learn more
Supporting Child Well-Being Series - Click here for Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Relationships that are warm, responsive and predictable help our children thrive. Relationships that generate intense stress can harm the developing brain.
Our thoughts affect us in automatic ways that we may be unaware of. Science has proven that what we think, affects how we feel about things and that affects how we act
Click here to read more about Love Builds Brains and Think Feel Act

THRC Flyer with Jean Clintons New Book & The College Converstation with Dr. Jean Clinton THRC Flyer with Supporting Child Well-Being Video & Reading more about Love Builds Brain and Think, Feel, Act