March Break Program Ideas!

School Age eConnect - March Break 2022

Are YOU up for a Challenge? 

Are you looking for activities and new materials to use during March Break? Check out these great resources to do independently or with a friend
and challenge yourselves!
Ready for a Challenge with a Friend?
a little girl with magnifying glass
DIY Shake & Search
Making a shake-and-search I spy bottle is a great way to put random little items and toys to good use.

Orange Yoga Ball

Adele Ball Challenge
Creative Gross Motor Activity for School Age Children
a child and an adult doing a handshake
Hand Shake Challenge
Grab a friend and follow along to challenge each other on learning this iconic handshake.
Get Creative with New Art Materials
rainbow colour splat
Salad Spinner Art
Spin art is created when different colours of paint are dripped onto a canvas and the canvas is placed on a spinning turntable. When the turntable is spun at a high speed, the paint is forced out to the edges of the canvas, creating a stunning design.
two young girl holding up their wrist to show off their bracelet
Straw Weaving
All you need is a few drinking straws, tape and yarn, and your kids can make bracelets, necklaces, headbands and bookmarks for themselves or to trade with friends.