Team African Centre for Early Childhood Education Village (ACECEV) is looking for participants to join a Focus Group
Greetings to all,
We hope you are all staying healthy and well. Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto invites all African/Black Early Childhood Educators or in Early Childhood Education working across Canada to participate in a focus group.
The purpose of this study:
1: To investigate the impact of COVID-19 on African/Black individuals and communities, front line health care workers and essential service workers and how systemic/structural violence are barriers to effective prevention, treatment and management of COVID-19 in the African/Black population.
2: To identify strategies to respond effectively to the impact of COVID-19 on African/Black individuals, communities, front line health service workers and essential service workers in Canada and transnationally.
3: To create knowledge exchange opportunities to enhance government, institutional, community and individual responses to the impact of COVID-19 on African/Black individuals, communities, front line health care workers and essential service workers in Canada and transnationally.
Warm Regards,
Team African Centre for Early Childhood Education Village (ACECEV)

About The Focus Group
120-minute online focus group via Zoom
$80 compensation for participation
Please note that your participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw from the study
Date: April 2, 2022
If interested, please email: