
Evolution of Inclusion

Evolution of Inclusion

Evolution of Inclusion November 18, 2021

6:00pm – 8:00pm

How we understand inclusion is shifting. Rather than trying to include a few children who are different, we are striving to respond TO the difference. In this session we will discuss how and why we need to look at children through a strength-based lens, so that we can respond to, plan and create space for their all of their diverse identities.
Inclusive Education: It’s not more work, it’s different work!

If this session is full, e-mail to be put on the waitlist.

the following technology is required to participate in these interactive virtual sessions: Camera and Microphone

Online via Zoom
No Cost
Registration Deadline:

November 18, 2021

You will receive a ZOOM link from, on the day of the event.

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


Bookings are closed for this event.

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