Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

Celebrating Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day Banner

#BeAnECEinHalton #ÊtreEPEIàHalton
#EarlyLearningHeroes #SuperHérosEnPetiteEnfance
THRC Video Banner
Today, we recognize the inspiring and important work that you do to support young children’s engagement, well-being, expression and belonging. You make a powerful impact on the next generation of our youngest humans. You create interactions, experiences and environments that are necessary for early learning and these impacts will last into adulthood.
Episode 10: WHy do you want to be an ECE? THRC Podcast
Episode 10: Why Do You Want To Be An ECE?
To celebrate Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day, we sit down to discuss our Why. Why we do the work we do, how we learned about our strengths, and how we can support others in finding their why in the field. The work of ECE's and those who work with children makes a huge impact in the world and we appreciate YOU, today and every day!
THRC Membership Discount Until October 21, 2021 banner
Last Day!
$20 Memberships
To celebrate the commitment and support of our Early Years Sector THRC is pleased to offer a discounted membership rate of $20 (regular $35)
until October 21, 2021 for EVERYONE.
#BeAnECEinHalton #ÊtreEPEIàHalton #EarlyLearningHeroes #SuperHérosEnPetiteEnfance