Did you miss Shelley Moore in November?
We're pleased to offer a Podcast with our own Jessica Rankin, In Centre Support, Supervisor, as she chats with Shelley Moore on Inclusion.

Talking Inclusion with Shelley Moore (Part One)
"It's not about adding onto plates that are already full, it's about changing the menu" - Shelley Moore
Part Two coming next week!

Want more Shelley?
Five Moore Minutes is a website with videos dedicated to empowering schools and classrooms to support ALL Learners!

Inspiration Sheet - Using Visuals
"Using visual cues in our environment allows us to plan, organize, and most of all be independent. Visuals are equally important to children because they are just beginning to learn how things work in the world." - Connectability.

Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) make the well-being, learning and care of children their foremost responsibility. They value the rights of children and create learning environments where all children can experience a sense of belonging and inclusion.