
Leadership Resources Human Resources Supports Visit THRC’s website to assist your organization in the interviewing and onboarding processes. Click here to learn more Halton’s Early Years & Child Care Career Board Visit THRC’s website for support in the recruitment of…

November’s PL

Learning Community for Educators Registration now open for November Dates What’s on your mind? Environment, Interactions, Health and Safety and more. As we continue to navigate through the pandemic with ongoing changes and challenges, join a growing virtual network of…

THRC is excited to offer the following free sessions with Shelley Moore and Pierre Harrison

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! #BeAnECEinHalton #ÊtreEPEIàHalton #EarlyLearningHeroes #SuperHérosEnPetiteEnfance THRC is excited to offer the following FREE sessions with Shelley Moore and Pierre Harrison November 18, 2021 6:00PM – 8:00PM Evolution of Inclusion How we understand inclusion is shifting.…

Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! #BeAnECEinHalton #ÊtreEPEIàHalton #EarlyLearningHeroes #SuperHérosEnPetiteEnfance Today, we recognize the inspiring and important work that you do to support young children’s engagement, well-being, expression and belonging. You make a powerful impact on the next generation of our youngest humans. You create interactions,…

Families: Get a custom list of child care centres in your neighbourhood
