AoĂ»t 10, 2022 from 7:00pm-8:00pm Des changements se produisent, et l’annĂ©e Ă©coulĂ©e l’a prouvĂ©. Mais une chose qui est restĂ©e la mĂŞme, c’est la PĂ©dagogie de l’Ontario pour la petite enfance, Comment apprend-on? OĂą que vous en soyez dans votre voyage professionnel,…
JULY 20, 2022 from 6:30pm-8:00pm What is risky play? Why is it important? How can you support risky play experiences with the children? Join other Early Learning and Child Care Educators to explore these questions and more as we share…
RESOURCES FOR LEADERS FREE WEBINAR!- Workplace Accommodations: Now and in the Future July 19, 2022 @ 2pm EDT Effective workplace accommodation can foster inclusion by delivering on the right to fair and equal access to work. Navigate accommodation with an…

What’s Happening in July

MINDFULNESS: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN GRATITUDE, JOY AND LIVING WELL July 7, 2022 from 7:00PM – 8:00PM Join Kristeen Sopeju as she takes you on a meditation journey. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER  ____________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR EDUCATORS All, Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School…

Register with the OPL today! Supporting Youth Mental Health

Register with the Oakville Public Library today!  Supporting Youth Mental Health Resilience in the Rough: Supporting Youth Mental Health: Presented by best-selling author Mark Henick Thursday May 5th at 1:00pm Join best-selling author and internationally recognized mental health advocate Mark Henick on…

How Does Learning Happen? in the Montessori Environment

How Does Learning Happen? in the Montessori Environment May 3, 2022 6:30PM – 8:00PM via ZOOM Join fellow Montessori Educators to reflect on the four foundations and share how they are implemented in the Montessori environment. Please visit THRC’s Professional Learning Page for…

Families: Get a custom list of child care centres in your neighbourhood