National Provider Appreciation Week

THRC eConnect

National Provider Appreciation Week

Are you a Licensed Home Child Care Provider? Enjoy the resources and interactive ideas below to use in your environment.

May 8th, 2020

Building a Pea Cave

Easy backyard cave build. Now is the time to plant peas! The "no dig" method is an easy way to establish a Pea Cave for your little ones to enjoy this Summer. Card board straight on top the grass. Dirt on top of cardboard. Look into sheet layering/lasagna composting next. The peas provide nitrogen fixing to the soil.

Click here for Cooking Pizza-Dillas Video

Click here for the full recipe.

Many children eat most of their food in a child care setting making it an ideal place to help them learn to love colourful tasty vegetables and fruit. Use the resources below to incorporate vegetable and fruit throughout the child care day.


THRC Flyer - Building a Pea Cave, Cooking Pizza-Dillas and Paint your Plate
