Talking Circle

THRC Orange Logo

THRC is a program of MCRC and will be using an orange version of our logo for the next 215 days, in honour of the lives of the 215 children whose bodies were recently discovered in an unmarked grave at the Kamloops Residential School.
MCRC sits on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Huron and Wendat and more recently Treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We would like to honour the lives and spirits of the 215 children, whose bodies were recently discovered in an unmarked grave on the property of the Kamloops Residential School.
MCRC believes that all children are sacred and we hold strong the value of families, neighbours and communities working together to ensure children are safe and thrive to their full potential. These 215 children were among the thousands stolen from their families and communities who loved them, and this discovery reveals the violent and genocidal history of the Canadian residential school system on the lives of indigenous and their families.
Our logo is shown in orange as an affirmation of our commitment to raise awareness of the residential school experience and to ensure that every child matters.
Our hearts go out to the Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc and we send them love and strength during this very difficult time.
Talking Circle
June 3, 2021 from 7:00PM - 8:00PM
In a Talking Circle, each one is equal and each one belongs. Participants in a Talking Circle learn to listen and respect the views of others. The intention is to open hearts to understand and connect with one another.
Join Karen Marshall, MCRC's Indigenous Reconciliation Facilitator and Consultant, virtually, as she supports a journey through discussions of the distressing discovery of the remains of these children.
THRC believes that all children are sacred and that Every Child Matters.

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